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Showing posts from May, 2023

William Shatner & The Seeds of Destiny

  The great people at Legion M sent out a gift to the financial supporters of the new William Shatner movie 'You can Call Me Bill.' The letter contained a simple thank you note with the promotional logo plus a small packet of seeds. The seeds are from a Redwood tree. William Shatner was once asked what he would like to be if he was reincarnated. His answer was a tree. In 2018 he voiced a character called Phil The Plant in the sci-fi comedy 'Aliens Ate My Homework.' Ever since he has taken a deep interest in botany but especially the life force and communication between trees. He has been quoted as saying that he believes trees are intelligent beings. This thinking led to him writing a song entitled, 'I want to be a tree.' Legion M, who is working with Shatner on his documentary, took his lyrics to heart. Mr. Shatner is now 92 years old and with his movie coming out later this year they deemed it a fitting time to send out hundreds of Redwood seeds to be planted

Alex Helps Kickstart The Last Kumite

Cynthia Rothrock   The early years of my life were built on a massive pile of martial arts movies. It was the one genre I could not get enough of. From the tornado kicks of Bruce Lee to the masculine brute force of Chuck Norris, I rented a new film nearly every day for four years straight. In addition there were random karate films on TV and kung fu theater on Saturday mornings. If you add cartoons and comic books, I was swimming in an ocean of chop saki action. In my world everybody really was kung fu fighting. While I loved them all, there were a select few that really ignited my passion. The first was The Karate Kid (1984) . This story of  a misplaced youth being trained by an old Japanese man to face down the school bullies really touched home for me. I was a skinny white kid dealing with similar issues. Hell, I even looked like Daniel Larusso, same haircut and everything. This was the movie that I used to convince my parents to finally sign me up for karate. Billy Blanks The secon